Thursday Mar 17, 2016
VOY S4E08 - Year of Hell, Part I
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Voyager enters a region of space controlled by the Krenim, who at first seem to be a small, easily avoided regional power. Before the viewers eyes however, they are transformed to an advanced and belligerent nation and Voyager constantly faces destruction. The cause of this transformation is a Krenim scientist whose obsession with restoring his people and his family to him has let him to manipulate time itself.
Monday Dec 21, 2015
DS9 S6E26 - Tears of the Prophets
Monday Dec 21, 2015
Monday Dec 21, 2015
The Federation is finally ready to go on the offensive. On the eve of battle, Sisko receives a dire warning from the Prophets that pits his obligations as the Emissary and a Starfleet captain against each other. Meanwhile, Dukat's plan comes to fruition, with dire consequences for our crew.
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
DS9 S6E22 - Valiant
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Jake and Nog's trip to Ferenginar is cut short by a Dominon attack. They are rescued in the nick of time by a ship they initially think is the Defiant, but is actually the USS Valiant. The Valiant is another Defiant-class ship, but this one was only meant to be a training vessel for the elite cadets on it. The commissioned officers were killed in action, leaving the group of cadets to run the ship. How will Jake and Nog handle life on the USS Lord of the Flies?
Monday Sep 07, 2015
DS9 S6E14 - One Little Ship
Monday Sep 07, 2015
Monday Sep 07, 2015
Dax, O'Brien, and Bashir are on a runabout exploring a spatial distortion that causes them to shrink. Meanwhile, the Defiant is attacked and captured by Jem'Hadar. The runabout is now the size of a housecat, and its crew about two inches tall, but somehow, they have to help the crew retake the ship.
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
DS9 S6E09 - Statistical Probabilities
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Doctor Bashir takes over the care of four patients who were genetically engineered, like he was. Unlike him, though, their procedures did not go well. While all extraordinarily brilliant, each suffers a different kind of mental disability that makes them unable to live on their own in the outside world. Bashir is hoping to find a way to help them, and may have it in unleash their mental powers on the Dominion War effort.
Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
DS9 S6E06 - Sacrifice of Angels
Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
The time has come to reclaim the station. They must do so before the Dominion can bring down the minefield and let the Dominion fleet through the wormhole. To compound things, Kira, Jake, and Ziyal have been arrested and Rom is set to be executed for their attempt to sabotage the station.
Friday May 29, 2015
DS9 S6E01 - A Time to Stand
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
Three months into the war finds things not going well for the Federation. Loss piles on top of loss. Sisko and his crew are given the Jem'Hadar ship they captured last year and a dangerous mission: to take out the ketracel white facility deep in Cardassian space, hobbling the Jem'Hadar.
Thursday May 07, 2015
VOY S3E26 - Scorpion
Thursday May 07, 2015
Thursday May 07, 2015
Voyager has finally entered Borg space. To the crew's surprise, the Collective seems to be preoccupied with a war with a new and terrifying species that poses a real threat to them. To navigate Borg space safely, Janeway might have to make a deal with the devil. Will it work, and will her crew stand behind her if she does?
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
VOY S3E21 - Before and After
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Kes wakes up in Sickbay, apparently at the end of her life but no memory of how she got there. She begins jumping backward through time, finding she is married to Tom Paris with a child. Each jump backwards leaves her with more information but more questions.
Friday Mar 27, 2015
VOY S3E15 - Coda
Friday Mar 27, 2015
Friday Mar 27, 2015
Janeway is injured and apparently killed in a shuttle accident. Then she wakes up in the shuttle to experience it again. And again. Eventually, she seems to be a ghost watching her crew mourn her death. Is Janeway really dead? Can she break out of this loop if she's not?