
Friday Feb 20, 2015
VOY S3E09 - Future's End, Part II
Friday Feb 20, 2015
Friday Feb 20, 2015
The Doctor is being held hostage. Voyager has been spotted by 20th century news cameras. Starling is still working to launch his timeship, further disrupting the timeline. Can Voyager find a way to stop him and get back to their own time?

Friday Feb 13, 2015
VOY S3E08 - Future's End, Part I
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
The crew encounters a ship from the 29th century that says that Voyager will be responsbile for the destruction of Earth's solar system and therefore must be destroyed. Attempting to flee summary execution sends both ships back to Earth, but also back in time to the 1990s. Can Captain Janeway (and her fabulous 90s power suit disguise) find a way home?

Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
DS9 S5E26 - Call to Arms
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Every week, more Dominion ships are coming through the wormhole. Sisko knows it has to stop and the crew comes up with a daring plan: mine the entrance to the wormhole. They know doing so will precipitate the war they've been dreading, but knowing it make come anyway, starting it now rather than waiting for it may be their only hope of winning.

Friday Dec 05, 2014
DS9 S5E25 - In the Cards
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Knowing the looming conflict with the Dominion weighs on his father, Jake tries to obtain an antique baseball card as a present. But since no good deed goes unpunished, he and Nog are soon sucked into a wacky, madcap series of increasingly ridiculous tasks in pursuit of the card. Don't let the Souless Minions of Orthodoxy win, and listen to this podcast right away.

Friday Nov 07, 2014
DS9 S5E22 - Children of Time
Friday Nov 07, 2014
Friday Nov 07, 2014
The Defiant crashes on a planet while investigation its odd atmosphere, and finds a thriving community of several thousand people. They claim to be the descendants of the Defiant crew. Their history records that the Defiant was thrown back in time when it tried to pass through the atmosphere again, and the crew, with no way home, eventually built new lives here. Now, the Defiant crew faces a decision. Do they choose to repeat the accident and maroon themselves, or erase these people from time?

Thursday Sep 04, 2014
DS9 S5E15 - By Inferno's Light
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
The Cardassians have joined the Dominion. Changeling Bashir has sabtoaged the attempt to seal the wormhole and now it can't be closed. Worf, Garak, and the real Bashir are working on a daring escape attempt from their asteroid prison. So, just a lazy, layabout day here on DS9.

Wednesday Aug 27, 2014
DS9 S5E14 - In Purgatory's Shadow
Wednesday Aug 27, 2014
Wednesday Aug 27, 2014
The station receives a coded message that indicates Enabren Tain in fact survived the Obsidian Order's attempt to destroy the Founder's homeworld. Garak knows it might be a fake, but he can't ignore the opportunity. Sisko agree's to let him go, but only if Worf goes with. Best road trip ever.

Monday Jun 30, 2014
DS9 S5E06 - Trials and Tribble-ations
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
This episode started life basically as a techinical dare to prove that the modern crew could be seamlessly inserted into a classic TOS episode. Done even a hair less than perfectly, it would look terrible, and even if its technically flawless, they needed to find a way to tell a story that felt satisfying in its own right and didn't damage an existing and beloved TOS story. I'm happy to report they succeeded with flying colors. This one is just a delightful romp. Enjoy!

Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
DS9 S5E01 - Apocalypse Rising
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Season 5 opens with crew trying to unmask the Gowron changeling. Sisko, Worf, O'Brien, and Odo have themselves surgically altered to appear Klingon and infilitrate an awards ceremony they know Gowron will attend. It's dangerous, but may be the only way to stop a war that could destablilize the Alpha Quadrant.

Tuesday May 27, 2014
VOY S2E26 - Basics, Part I
Tuesday May 27, 2014
Tuesday May 27, 2014
The Kazon lure Voyager into a trap and capture Voyager, stranding them on a barren planet in the Delta Quadrant. We're as surprised as anyone the Kazon successfully executed a plot.