
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
DS9 S4E12 - Paradise Lost
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Armed Starfleet officers are patrolling the streets. Sisko and Odo must get to the bottom of how the Changelings sabtoaged Earth's power grid. Everyone is tense waiting for an attack that may or may not come and nerves are fraying all around as they contemplate the fact that they may not be able to trust the people closest to them.

Thursday Oct 24, 2013
DS9 S4E11 - Homefront
Thursday Oct 24, 2013
Thursday Oct 24, 2013
The unthinkable has happened. A Changeling has perpetrated a terrorist bombing on Earth. As the Starfleet officer with the most experience with the Dominion, Sisko is recalled to Earth and promoted. Moreover, his new position brings him back to his captain from his last assignment, now Admiral Leighton. Sisko attempts the impossible balancing act of protecting Earth from the unique threat the Dominion presents without trampling the freedoms that Earth has spent centuries building.

Wednesday Oct 09, 2013
DS9 S4E08 - Little Green Men
Wednesday Oct 09, 2013
Wednesday Oct 09, 2013
So it turns out Quark, Rom, and Nog are inadvertently responsible for the crash of an alien vessel in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Hiliarity ensues.

Monday Sep 16, 2013
DS9 S4E01 - The Way of the Warrior
Monday Sep 16, 2013
Monday Sep 16, 2013
Sisko is surprised to find a Klingon armada uncloaking around the station. Their purpose is unclear, so Sisko calls in eveyone's favorite Klingon expert, Worf. At loose ends since the sad loss of the Enterprise-D, Worf doesn't know if he will even remain in Starfleet. Until then, though, it is his task to discover what he can about the Klingons' purpose. The answer has the potential to reshape the entire Alpha Quadrant.

Friday Aug 30, 2013
VOY S1E14 - Faces
Friday Aug 30, 2013
Friday Aug 30, 2013
B'Elanna is kidnapped by the Vidiians and is genetically altered into two beings, her Klingon and human halves. In some ways, for the human B'Elanna, it is here fondest wish. She has always hated the impulsive, angry Klingon parts of herself. But she may find she needs her Klingon half's strength as well.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
VOY S1E11 - State of Flux
Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
The crew discover that someone aboard Voyager is smuggling technology to the Kazon. Suspicion narrows quickly to Joe Carey and Seska. Chakotay must navigate his personal feelings and history with her to determine if she is indeed guilty.

Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
VOY S1E5 - The Phage
Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
While exploring a cave, aliens ambush Neelix and steal his lungs. Voyager tracks the thieves down and discovers a new race called the Vidiians. Once a thriving culture, a disease that slowly eats their bodies has turned them into a band of thieves, stealing and grafting organs to survive. Janeway can't get back Neelix's lungs without killing the man who is now using them. Her Federation ethics bar her from passing a death sentence, and she can certainly empathize with their plight, but as his captain, she also owes a duty to Neelix. What can she do?

Friday Jul 19, 2013
VOY S1E01 - Caretaker
Friday Jul 19, 2013
Friday Jul 19, 2013
It's the premiere of a new series (and at the time, a new network). The starship Voyager, under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway is tasked with arresting a group of Maquis in the Badlands. A freak energy wave envelops the ship and finds herself 70,000 light years from home in the Delta Quadrant. How did they get here? And can whatever sent them here get them back?

Friday Jul 12, 2013
DS9 E3E26 - The Adversary
Friday Jul 12, 2013
Friday Jul 12, 2013
The Defiant (and its newly minted Captain Sisko) are sent to the Tzenkethi border to prevent a war. But they may end up starting one. In addition to review the season's finale, we also look back at Season 3 of DS9. It's highs. It's lows. It's creamy middles.

Tuesday Jun 25, 2013
DS9 S3E21- The Die is Cast
Tuesday Jun 25, 2013
Tuesday Jun 25, 2013
It's the exciting conclusion to an exciting pair of episodes. Garak has found that the plot to kill him is not only connected to his former mentor, spymaster Enabran Tain, but was indeed commissioned by him. It's all part of a larger plot to covertly attack the Dominion in join Romulan-Cardassian plan. Now Garak is invited back into the fold while Odo is his prisoner.