
Friday Jun 21, 2013
DS9 S3E20 - Improbable Cause
Friday Jun 21, 2013
Friday Jun 21, 2013
In what I think can easily be thought of as a watershed moment for the series, DS9 embarks on a tale of intrigue and deception, focused on the station's resident ersatz tailor, Garak. His shop is destroyed in an apparent assassination attempt, but that is only the tiniest piece of a much larger puzzle. Can Odo find out who is responsible before the killer strikes again?

Tuesday Jun 04, 2013
DS9 S3E15 - Destiny
Tuesday Jun 04, 2013
Tuesday Jun 04, 2013
The station is hosting a trio of Cardassian scientists in the hopes of beginning the process of building a peaceful relationship between Cardassia and Bajor and creating stable communication through the wormhole. However, a firebrand cleric is on the station warning that their presence fulfills a prophecy that predicts doom if the scientists work is allowed to continue.

Monday May 13, 2013
DS9 S3E07 - Civil Defense
Monday May 13, 2013
Monday May 13, 2013
The crew inadvertanly triggers an old security program left over from when the station was still in Cardassian hands. Without the necessary information to give the right answers to its questions, the program takes increasingly lethal steps to subdue the station.

Monday Apr 08, 2013
DS9 S3E01 - The Search, Part I
Monday Apr 08, 2013
Monday Apr 08, 2013
After the chaotic and bloody introduction to the Dominion and the Jem'Hadar last season, Starfleet is doing what it does best, attempting to broker a solution. Taking a page from the book of the best defense being a strong offense, Starfleet gives the experimental USS Defiant to Commander Sisko, complete with a Romulan cloaking device. They charge into the Gamma Quadrant to find the mysterious Founders.

Saturday Nov 13, 2010
TNG S1E04 - Code of Honor
Saturday Nov 13, 2010
Saturday Nov 13, 2010
Worst. Episode. Ever.
That's not hyperbole. Other episodes have tried for something and just missed the mark. Others felt rushed or just based off a half formed idea. The overy sexism and racism in this episode shocks the conscience of everyone who views it, and I can only imagine it boggled Trek fans at the time. Come join us to confused and horrified!